March 17, 2011 tatakr

Grand Opening of Bravo Records

Presentation of Bravo Records – the first Western-type record label company in Georgia, was held on March 16, 2011. Invitees to the presentation of Bravo Records included famous musicians, performers, public figures, businessmen, who could not conceal their satisfaction and amazement concerning this very important initiative.

Honorable guest at the presentation was a legend of jazz and Brazilian funk, piano player, singer and composer, Tania Maria, whose main reason for coming to Georgia was exactly the opening of the record company Bravo Records. There is a possibility that the Brazilian songstress may record several singles at Bravo Records in the future.

On her part, Tania Maria spared no compliments for Bravo Records and also talked about special friendship between her and the company’s president – Zaza Shengelia. Having met the guests, she made a comment for the press: “I am happy that I have lived to see all of this and that I see with my own eyes, what is happening here. A dream of many musicians has come to true. If you invite me, I will certainly come and record at least one song in this studio”. While at the presentation, Tania Maria also performed one of the songs from her repertoire, accompanying herself on a grand piano.


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