Talented singer and mentor of Rustavi 2’s mega project X factor Sofia Nizharadze, Giorgi Nakashidze and Avto Abeslamidze, winners of X Factor in 2015 and 2016, recorded new songs -Gelino, Tskals Napoti Chamohkonda and Svanuri at studio Bravo Records together with the Band URSA. At the same time video clips have been shot, which is airing at Rustavi 2.
მის: კოსტავას 68
საზოგადოებრივი მაუწყებლის მე-2 შენობა
საქართველო, თბილისი
ტელ: +995 32 2409340
ელ ფოსტა: info@bravorecords.ge
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