
A Web Agency Focused On
Vision, Product And People.

We believe our work speaks for itself. Browse our most recent projects
below and enjoy our handmade work with love for every detail.

Web Development

We have created an awesome theme that will help designers, developers and companies create websites for their startups quickly and easily.

App Development

We have created an awesome theme that will help designers, developers and companies create websites for their startups quickly and easily.

Brand & Identity

We have created an awesome theme that will help designers, developers and companies create websites for their startups quickly and easily.

“მოგზაურობა იოჰან სებასტიან ბახის საორღანო მუსიკის სამყაროში” – იორგ ჰალუბეკი (გერმანია)

აფხაზურენოვანი ალბომი – “ერთ სიმღერას ვმღერით”

ცნობილმა ბრიტანელმა რეპერმა M.I.A.-მ Tbilisi Open Air-ის კონცერტის სამზადისი ”ბრავო რექორდსში” გაიარა

ნუცა თოფურია – “მოვალ”

ნუცა თოფურიას სადებიუტო ალბომის საპრეზენტაციო კონცერტი – კოტე მარჯანიშვილის სახელობის სახელმწიფო დრამატული თეატრი

Gocha Abuladze – Abuli

Anniversary concert of Rusudan Sebiskveradze – Tbilisi Concert Hall

Jazz and Wine evening with Brenna Whitaker band – Kvareli Eden hotel

Presentation concert of Sopho Batilashvili’s debut album – Sports Palace

Sopho Batilashvili – Paraphrase

Director and musician Giga Agladze with the group – Killer Band recorded a song for the David Lynch Foundation at Bravo Records

Nodiko Tatishvili – Nodiko Tatishvili

Charity project of Bravo Records and TV Pirveli with the participation of the group – Mgzavrebi

Jazz and Wine event with Edsilia Romble band – Kvareli Eden hotel

Common concert of Bravo Records and Altervision Group Irakli Charkvian | History – Black Sea Arena

The Georgian Six – DRO

Mariam Elieshvili – Velodebi Mzes

Jazz and Wine event with the Tanya Maria band – Kvareli Eden hotel

BBC Persian filmed a series of film-concerts with the participation of Iranian musicians at Bravo Records

Jazz and Wine event with Yanela Brooks band – Kvareli Eden hotel

Vladimir Cosma – French film music evening DVD

An evening of Vladimir Cosma’s French film music masterpieces – Tbilisi Concert Hall

Jazz and Wine evening with Frank McComb Trio – Kvareli Eden Hotel

British Electronic Music Festival GLOBALGATHERING GEORGIA 2015 – Rustavi International Autodrome

Gamouvali Mdgomareoba – Gamosavali

Nanis Bregvadze’s concert dedicated to the birthday of Catholicos Patriarch of Georgia Ilia II

Presentation concert of the new project Ramishvili by the ensemble Sukhishvili – Tbilisi Concert Hall

Sukhishvili – Ramishvili

Ethno Art Group TSU Gordela – Gordela

Unforgettable performance of Argentine tango Tango in Red Major – Tbilisi Concert Hall

Irakli Charkviani – The Best of KING

Nina Sublatti – DARE TO BE

The Groove new album debut concert – Tbilisi State University

Concert of Georgian Voices – Tbilisi Concert Hall

The soloist of the Sukhiye band Nastya Palchikova recorded a song with the Georgian Philharmonic Orchestra

New Year’s song album of Bravo Records and Beeline company

The Georgian Voices – 15

Common album of disabled children and famous Georgian singers – I See the Sun

DVD of the common charity concert of the group Frani and Sukhye

Common charity concert of Frani and Sukhye group Children’s Fund of Georgia – Event Hall

Oto Nemsadze – Sea of Thoughts

Presentation concert of Oto Nemsadze’s new album – Europe Square

Nani Bregvadze – I Remember

Nani Bregvadze’s new album presentation concert – Funicular restaurant

Eldrine concert in support of the Georgian soldiers participating in the military mission in Afghanistan

Group Eldrine – Till the End

Group Shin new album presentation concert – Tbilisi concert hall

Group Shin – Extraordinary Exhibition

Samory Balde and DJ Grotasky concert – club Senate

Samory Balde – Sane Movement

Gogi Dolidze – Iko Ara Iko Ra

Dato Archvadze – Es Kalakia

Presentation concert of Dato Archvadze’s album Es Kalakia – Sighnaghi Hotel Kabadoni

Lenny White, Beka Gochiashvili and Natalia Kutateladze recorded the English version of Georgian song Herio Bichebo

The famous opera singer Katya Richarelli recorded a new musical anthem for the Iavnana foundation

New Year’s gala concert

Tamta Tskhvitava’s debut concert – Royal District Theater

Tamta Tskhvitava – Beginning

Sophie Villy – Mother Fish

American violinists Caroline Campbell, Lisa Batiashvili and Georgian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra in Bravo Records

Trio Simi – 20 years later

Trio Simi anniversary concert – Rustaveli Theater

Gigi Wonder’s debut album – Late Night Piano Conversation

Tanya Maria’s concert dedicated to the opening of Bravo Records – Tbilisi Concert Hall


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