October 25, 2013 tatakr

Bravo Records starts working on a unique music project – The Georgian Pearls (video)

Press-conference was arranged by: the Minister of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, Guram Odisharia; his deputy Badri Bagration-Gruzinski; the director of Events and Regional Coordination Department Marina Beridze; musician and author of this project’s idea- Lela Mchedlidze; opera singers – Lado Ataneli, Tea Demurishvili, Mzia Nioradze and the president of Bravo Records – Zaza Shengelia. This project is about uniting the opera music compositions performed by nearly all the universally acknowledged Georgian opera singers and producing them as one album. Album will consist of opera compositions performed by famous Georgian singers, accompanied by the Symphonic Orchestra. These opera singers are on the list: Nino Surguladze, Paata Burchuladze, Ketevan Kemoklidze, Anita Rachvelishvili, Giorgi Gagnidze, Lado Ataneli, Gia Oniani, Nino Machaidze, Tamriko Javaxishvili (Iveri), Iano Alibegashvili, Nugzar Gamgebeli, Mzia Nioradze, Tea Demurishvili, Zurab Sotkilava, Badri Maisuradze and Makhvala Kasrashvili. Music compositions of Giusepe Verdi, Giacomo Pucini, Rugero Leoncavalo, Gioacino Rosini, Zakaria Paliashvili and other famous composers will be performed. Worth saying is the fact that all the above mentioned opera singers mainly have their careers on the abroad stages. Our duty is to put their creation in one album and give it to the next generations as a treasure – a golden fund and relic of Georgian music culture. Music compositions, accompanied by Tbilisi Zakaria Paliashvili State Opera and Ballet Symphonic Orchestra, will be recorded gradually in Bravo Records, according to the western quality standards. Project will be directed by the leading-conductor Gianluca Marciano. For now, studio recordings are being planned and album design is being worked. It’s planned to present this album as a concert, and that will be coincided with the opening of Tbilisi Zakaria Paliashvili State Opera and Ballet building. On the presentation-concert, opera singers accompanied by the Symphonic Orchestra and conducted by Gianluca Marciano, will perform album’s music compositions live.

Project’s official insurer is the insurance company – Ardi Group.


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ტელ: +995 32 2409340
ელ ფოსტა: info@bravorecords.ge

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